Saturday, August 31, 2002   10:31 PM

I'm completely down-to-earth!

Find your soul type

I think that is a relatively accurate description. I may even be a little boring at times. I think I like it better that way. I still manage to have my fun and keep my sanity. I had a great time last night. I have come to the realisation that I will truly miss everybody from the yacht club this winter. I wish summer weren't so short. I'm glad to be going back to school, but very dissapointed that I have to say good-bye to all those who won't be around during the winter months. I think this will be a summer to stand out in my mind. The Yacht Club was my safe haven. Never did I have enough stress that my work would come home with me. In fact, I often returned eagerly to relax and escape the stresses of the rest of life. I wish it could be as such all year round. As it can't I can only hope that next summer will compare.

I found out this morning that the boat I ws interested in is no longer up for sale. It's like I'm doomed not to find a boat. Mike's is still an option. I have to work that out. Why does this happen?

Friday, August 30, 2002   8:49 PM

Yay...something to do.

Bored...someone call me.

Do you ever wonder what it is that you're doing? What it is that you're supposed to be doing? Or is there ever something that we're supposed to be doing? I'm coming to the conclusion that there is not. We are here, and we make our way through life. No one knows where we are going or where we will end up. We cannot determine ahead of time if our decisions are the right ones. Sometimes we wake up wondering why we ever did the things we did. Other times we realise we've just made one of the best decisions of our lives.

I often wonder about the people who surround me. Which of them really care about me? Why is it never enough that those who do care? Why is it that the people who you hoped would care, could really care less. How is it that people can drift in and out of our lives without serious meaning? Sometimes I wish there were definite lines of caring; a certain black and white outlook. Never again would we wonder to whom we actually matter, or even how much.

Sometimes I wonder what's going on in the world today. So many crazy things happen. I thank God I have been so lucky. I remember that we are not immune.

I want my fucking fleece pants. It's cold as hell.

Wednesday, August 28, 2002   11:49 PM

Well folks, it appears as thought the only picture to ever make me feel that jealous twinge is gone...not sure how I feel about that. That must sound odd if you don't what I'm talking about. It was replaced by quite a lovely one.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002   4:56 PM

The weekend went well...I'm not feeling well though. Physically I'm fine; my muscles may be a little sore, my nose a little burnt, but I'm alright. Inside I'm starting to feel broken down again. I don't want to go to work tonight. I have that nagging feeling that everything that could possibly go wrong will. Elaine will be working; it will get busy; she will make unintentionally cruel comments; I will break down. The type of stress that she creates on my being is unbearably strong in comparison to any other. I don't want to do it anymore. I want to curl up and hide. Ideally I would like a hug from a caring individual, but that doesn't seem likely.

Wednesday, August 21, 2002   5:16 PM

Yay for good karma. I have a boat to race in shediac. It happens to be just about the best one in town. I also got the use of a nearly new sail. I'm taking mom's car. Life is good. I think it should be a good weekend. I haven't raced a dighy yet this summer, it's terrible. I'm going to be so rusty, but I just can't take it anymore. The wind and waves are hailing my name.

This was my latest night yet...damn I'm tired.

Monday, August 19, 2002   11:41 PM

Check my home page...I did a little playing tonight...see what you find.

I have come to a conclusion. At certain points in our lives we all suffer a bit from the disease to please. For example: even the toughest of men can be caught tiptoeing around their mothers. The problem is that often we are not aware of what we are doing. Occasionally without realising it, we do more than we had wished. It is important to be observant and objective. Proactive, not reactive. Live for the moment, without forgetting about the future.

Life is an endless stream of learning experiences. The events which I have faced this past week have reminded me that I am not sheltered from all negatives. I am sure now that my inner strength is strong enough to face the challenges I will have thrown at me.

No one but I myself has the power to change me. The challenges I face will help shape the person I am to be, but they alone do not have the power to determine who I shall become.

written by alexa kenny at 12:00 AM

Sunday, August 18, 2002   12:26 AM

I feel like a sandstone cliff; one grain at a time, I'm being worn down. What has become of the girl I once was? I've stepped into dark, unwelcoming territory.

Throughout my entire life I have prided myself on my goodie two-shoedness. As we grow and learn, such a definition changes. There are pillars of strength within that definition. Rules to never be broken. You think that these rules will someday become irrelevant. But only in breaking them do you realise their significance.

Each and every human being has their own moral standards. May they never be questioned.

Friday, August 16, 2002   5:59 PM

I am overwhelmed by the ease with which today passed. My stress levels had sky-rocketed the last two days. I felt relief today.

I know there is much to overcome yet, but not knowing is more difficult than knowing just how deep into those woods one has delved. I hope that I can be here until all who surround me are out of the woods. To feel lost is damaging to ones soul. I have always said that you can do anything if you want it bad enough. You need to want it. It's hard to realise just how beneficial somethings could be for us.

I think soon enough contentment will come. Life is a cycle. The bad will soon give way to the good. My love is sent to you.

Wednesday, August 14, 2002   12:09 PM

We are fragile beings.

Fuck...I got my computer back. I know, that's a good thing. I didn't mean it wasn't. My problem is I just installed Kazaa Lite and forgot to get the thingy that stops pop-ups. Mom's gonna grouch. Anybody wanna tell me how to fix that? I'm too stunned to figure it out on my own. Shit! Another problem. The rediculously late hour just occurred to me. Why am I not asleep? I'm concerned about my girl...yet so happy she came to me tonight. I'm always there for all of you. You know my sched;) Love you babe, everythings gonna be okay.

Wednesday, August 07, 2002   12:32 AM

It appears this shall be a good day. "I would've thought 'hey, she's a fox!'"-smig describing meetings before we actually knew other. I think that's the best start to a day I've had in awhile.

Tuesday, August 06, 2002   3:44 PM

I rented WIND. Anybody wanna watch? Tomorrow night. Lemme know!

Saturday, August 03, 2002   6:59 PM

Old friends reunite. Isn't it odd how we drift apart? There are obvious reasons for some distanced relationships, but others you wonder why you haven't become closer. It's funny to think how lives can drift and merge. Some of us never cut our ties. It was quite worth it to get together last night. Fun was had. There will be more to come. I am sure of it.

Thursday, August 01, 2002   5:39 PM

I fucked up this morning.

lexalou's Weekly Artists Chart


