Sunday, January 23, 2005   1:36 AM

I feel like I'm spending all my time waiting. Waiting for the bus. Waiting to get email at work. Waiting to get trained at work. Waiting for work to be assigned. Waiting for the shuttle to take me to training. Waiting for the washing machine to finish. Waiting for my turn in the bathroom. Waiting for Brandon to get here...Waiting to wake up.

So little of my day is genuinely enjoyed. So much energy is absorbed by thought; I'm left with little to go on at the end of the day. I feel disconnected from everything that is a part of me. My space is starting to become mine, but it doesn't feel right not to be sharing it. I don't feel like it can fully be mine when it can only be mine alone. I'm not sad, just waiting...I'm going to be waiting for a long time.

lexalou's Weekly Artists Chart

