Sunday, June 09, 2002   1:16 AM

Alone in the darkness. I hear a sound. A tapping at the window. Something I did not expect to hear. Something I feared one day I would. I pretend I don't hear it. The culprit is persistent. I turn slowly. Yes, it is who I feared it may be. Seeing his face I turned back to my work; I must be seeing things. The tapping occured once more. I look to see a foolish boy pleading with me; what he wants I cannot determine. Ignoring him a little longer, he becomes impatient, and taps again. This time I realise, that through a series of hand signals, he is trying to express his wish to use the phone. I have now convinced myself that eventually he will give up and walk away. I am wrong. This charade continues for a few more bouts. Finally it is peaceful.

I am a girl. A girl you loved. A girl you followed. A girl you then ignored. A girl you put down. A girl who is now sitting in the dark, and for some reason you believe would let you into her house, where she sits, all alone.

lexalou's Weekly Artists Chart

