Saturday, May 25, 2002   3:44 AM

Do you ever wonder why it is that we are here? I sit here at this absurd hour of the day wondering what on earth is my purpose. I am stuck in a great moment of question. I would like to leave. It is not the people I would like to leave, but the current situations I am in. My perfect life doesn't feel so perfect right now. I know that I am a lucky girl. I am surrounded by some very good people, some of whom I was reminded this evening. I want to take some of these special people and go have some fun. A road trip would be nice. I want to skip out on this job I don't want. I want to skip out on these problems I create that don't really exist. I want to skip out on the people I care about but can't seem to stop fighting with. I want to return, just not right now.

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