Last post from Ft. McMurray! My internet is being taken away from me. Boo. It's been quite a time. I've met some pretty cool people, and had some pretty fun times. This weekend was pretty intense; the student appreciation night on Friday and after party, and a girls cocktail party and night out on Saturday. Sunday was a right-off. I'm looking forward to a party when I get home. I fly out at 7:30 PM Mtn time on Friday, August 26th. See you Saturday, August 27th everybody!
Edit: The Schedule so far.
Saturday PM: TMC @ Stanhope
Sunday PM: BBQ @ Beater One
Monday PM: Sailing @ CYC
Wednesday PM: Sailing @ CYC
Friday AM: Hair Appt.
Saturday: Rolling Stones @ Magnetic Hill
Tuesday AM: Doctor's Appt.
Wednesday PM: Drive to Freddy