Tuesday, April 19, 2005   1:41 AM

Ah the exciting life I lead. Sitting on the couch, watching Crossing Jordan, chatting on MSN. I like to relax. I like not to worry. Problem is, there is a lot for me to worry about, I just happen to be ignoring it all. I think I may keep this up for a least a couple of days. By the end of the week I should be sufficiently stressed out to make me lose it. I'd prefer to concentrate on fluffy things like ballet. Tonight we started to pick at the kinks in our technique. The choreography for the end of the year recital is finished, but our abilities need a little brushing up. I felt particularly unflexible tonight, like an elephant ballerina, bum sticking out and all. I'll have to work on that, I don't think this couch potato business is helping. Time for some rest and I'll think about it in the morning.

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