Sunday, November 07, 2004   11:08 PM

Who me, wasting more time? Well, I did get my thermo assignment done, so I do feel a little better. The vibrations assignment on the other hand went horribly. I got overly frustrated with it and gave up for tonight. The week should pan out alright. I just need to keep reminding myself of everything I have to get done. Tomorrow afternoon is set aside for group work on the measurements project, then I have to meet Brent after supper to put together a little presentation for vibrations, and I have to finish up the galldarned assignment. Tuesday will be it's usual busy self, then somehow after yoga I have to get my design lab done. Over the weekend I'll have the design assignment to do, and my last thermo lab write up ever. I think that's all...other than the three huge projects that just keep hanging over my head. Maybe I'll do some project work over the weekend, likely not.

lexalou's Weekly Artists Chart

