Monday, October 14, 2002   10:53 PM

Bah work. I always leave far too much work to the bitter end. I never have enough time to finish it and sleep and still have time to relax and enjoy myself. I always do the relaxing and procrastinating and enjoying myself first. I think I got a fair chunk of work done today, but not as much as I had planned. I should be an organized person; I've had plenty of time to perfect it, but I'm not.

I should be exercising too. I feel like the most out of shape individual on the planet; although I know I'm not. The problem is, I look in the mirror and still think I look great. It's very hard to get yourself back to the gym when it isn't absolutely crucial. I'm sure if I were in better shape eating would be a lot more fun though. I haven't been hungry in about a month; probably more than that. Not that I've stopped eating ;)

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