Friday, August 30, 2002   8:19 PM

Do you ever wonder what it is that you're doing? What it is that you're supposed to be doing? Or is there ever something that we're supposed to be doing? I'm coming to the conclusion that there is not. We are here, and we make our way through life. No one knows where we are going or where we will end up. We cannot determine ahead of time if our decisions are the right ones. Sometimes we wake up wondering why we ever did the things we did. Other times we realise we've just made one of the best decisions of our lives.

I often wonder about the people who surround me. Which of them really care about me? Why is it never enough that those who do care? Why is it that the people who you hoped would care, could really care less. How is it that people can drift in and out of our lives without serious meaning? Sometimes I wish there were definite lines of caring; a certain black and white outlook. Never again would we wonder to whom we actually matter, or even how much.

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