Friday, May 10, 2002   1:19 AM

I got to thinking. Perhaps my lack of ability to express myself was routed deeper than simply an inability to form sentences. I just discussed with an intelligent counterpart the fact that there are some feelings that just cannot be put in to words. So often I'm asked what I think, or how I feel about something. It takes time for feelings to take shape. Time to put things to words. Then there are times when words just don't do justice. Another wise cohort reminded me today that should you not be able to express how you feel, don't let that stop you from talking to the important people in your life, even if it means putting unkind words behind you. Sometimes we hit a bump in a relationship, and don't realise until much later that we really need that person to be in your life in some form. Relationships may change, but those who make an impact on your life are sorely missed if you block them out. Eventually conflict is worked out and souls live in harmony with each other. I await the day when all who surround me may do so. God bless you all. I mean you no harm.

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